What’s New in Gmail

Story by: S. Demarius GaitherContributor

Google has recently launched a redesign of its popular Gmail interface. These changes can be found in the mobile and desktop versions of this application. Below are a few of the new features you should try. More tips and tricks for Gmail can be viewed on the following website: https://bit.ly/2HReaks.

Smart Compose will off er text suggestions as you type. While typing your message, you will see a suggestion appear. If you like the suggestion, click the “tab” button to use it. To enable this feature, go to Settings (look for the gear at the top on the right), select the General tab then scroll down to Smart Compose. Make sure that you select “Writing Suggestions On.” Don’t forget to save your changes at the bottom of the screen.

Right Click Context Menu allows you to take more actions on a message from inside your inbox without having to use those dreaded three dots. You can perform the following tasks by simply right clicking a single message: reply to or forward an email, search for all emails from a specific sender, archive or delete the message and open the email in a new window.

+Mentions allow you to quickly include additional recipients to your email. Within the body of your email message, insert a “+” or the “@” symbol, then begin typing the name or email address of the individual you wish to include. Th is will place their email address into the “To” field of your message.

Quick Calendar Event shortcut allows you to create a new calendar event or appointment within your inbox. First, select the email you want to turn into a calendar event. Next, click the calendar icon which is on the side panel located on the right. Finally, click on a time for this event to start and your selected email message is converted into a calendar event. Make sure to adjust the name of your event along with the date and time before saving!